Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Chris Cantell's letter to SigEx Ventures' Shareholders

Dear Shareholders,

By all means, 2007 has proven to be the year of social networks and the urge for millions of people around the world to connect and interact based on common professional needs or individual hobbies or interests. Yet, as much as these social networks have proven to be tremendous successes, they are still only the beginning of what the social, broadcasting and telecom industry are to offer in a new world where our communications and content become seamlessly available anywhere with the ease of use that justifies using them on a daily basis.

For SigEx Telecom, the year has been widely successful as well. Our continued financial growth has allowed us to set new records in our valuation. Thanks to our deployment in major Eastern European cities we have leveraged a strong international community of talents to support our networks, our clients’ activities and expand international business. Our cellphone telecom platform is transforming the biggest computing base in the coming decades to support valuable products and services with ease of use and access everywhere.

We now expect a year of continued expansion with the blooming of our many market segments and the promotion of our clients’ successes. We look forward to discussing this letter with you.  Please enjoy the reading!

Best Regards,

Chris Cantell
Chairman and CEO

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chris Cantell discusses Telecom and Content for Social Networks

Chris Cantell has developed the idea that Social Networks are not successful just by themselves, but they require drivers to justify and grow the user base. Telecom and Content are the two dimensions that Social Networks require to become universal as Chris Cantell presents in this post. The following is an excerpt of the company's review for 2007:

"As the success of online social networks is undisputed, most people still wonder the merits of merely following people’s activities during the day or are limited in their ability to do “real” significant things with their network. While professional social networks such as LinkedIn build on the idea of growing a Rolodex through existing relationships, the lack of real live connection or other appropriate means of communications becomes rapidly frustrating.

SigEx Telecom adds the two dimensions to online social networks. As a global telecom carrier, users are always provided with the cheapest calls to their friends and colleagues around the world. Seamless integration also allows calling or sending video messages or participating in a video meeting directly from the business or entertainment application they are using. As you are reading an article and viewing a video selected by the author, you may want to enter a live chat room to express your ideas and thoughts about the article with other readers and the author. Telecommunications bring the connections that enable online communities to actually interact, which is the basic purpose of social networks. SigEx Telecom adds the “telecom” in social telecom networks!

However, the real driver behind social telecom networks resides in a third dimension: e-content. Our smartphones, computers and digital cameras or camcorders are full of gigabytes of videos, pictures, emails, presentations and other documents that for the most part we want to make available to others, be it a close group or the entire world. SigEx Telecom defines the concept of e-content, which is available on the network all the time, protected from loss, accessible from anywhere in the world and on any device and can be “pined” to other people for instant access. You can browse the e-content on your social network either by searching on a subject (does anyone have the pictures for last year’s family reunion?) or by looking up e-content of your acquaintances (Let’s review Bob’s presentation on our fiscal results). Your digital e-content also includes music and movies that you have purchased and that you want to view anywhere in the world, either on your cellphone in the train or at your friends’ house. The same way you lend a new DVD to your brother, you can lend him a Pin to your movie e-content and let him watch it without making it available to the whole world.

Because people interact on content and communications, the telecom and e-content services delivered by SigEx Telecom drives more traffic to our advanced social telecom networks.

Telecom is the natural and necessary complement to existing social networks, both filling a clear gap between being connected and interacting and bringing together various means of communicating ranging from advanced SMS and cheap international phone calls to high definition video rooms."

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies

Monday, March 10, 2008

Chris Cantell discusses the "meet" or "delete" strategy

Chris Cantell developed with SigEx Telecom an advanced usability strategy for Social Networks. By allowing the "meet" or "delete" strategy, users naturally expand and refine their networks. The following is an excerpt of the company's review for 2007:

"The natural growth of social networks is currently driven by the personal will of individuals to join many different communities with different interfaces and requirements. As early adopters quickly take on such initiatives, there are still billions of people that feel left out of such opportunities. Social networks are meant to be places to simply connect to others with shared interest (or just for socializing), they are not meant to be a technological challenge.

SigEx Telecom builds in its online social networks the same interactions that people experience when going to trade shows, parties or just walking down the street. They meet other people, decide to interact and maybe create a relationship. They may also decide not to go beyond a simple greeting and sometimes, they just pass by. Being “flooded” with “contacts” is not an appropriate way of building a network, but meeting acquaintances of existing members of your social network may be. SigEx Telecom therefore provides a ‘meet or delete’ approach to both growing (‘meet’) and refining (‘delete’) your social telecom network. The more you ‘meet’ someone, the more importance that relationship is and the network will make it easily available.

SigEx Telecom is supporting the ongoing growth of social telecom networks with its ‘meet or delete’ strategy, which allows for both natural expansion of one’s social network (‘meet’) and refinement by filtering or prioritizing relationships (‘delete’)."

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chris Cantell discusses Social Networks

Chris Cantell co-founded SigEx Telecom, delivering multi-transport, multi-protocol telecommunications and digital entertainment around the world. In his previous works, Chris Cantell developed supercomputer architectures that are being implemented as part of SigEx Telecom's new operating system. The following is an excerpt of the company's review for 2007.

"Increasingly, end users expect a seamless access to social networks linked to telecom, user applications and entertainment services – whether it’s email, telephony, gaming or TV – across a variety of networks and access points. Our vision is about providing an operating platform, SigEx’s OS V called “PathFinder”, with the wireless cell platforms and technologies that deliver this uninterrupted, high value and easy-to-use service over DSL, fiber, 3G, radio, cable, or Wi-Fi.

By providing a single platform for both users and developers, “PathFinder” unifies all social and business telecom network applications independently of underlying hardware devices or telecom and Internet providers. Applications are loaded under the “PathFinder” dial architecture and dynamically available to users. Developers enhance their own applications with SigEx Telecom programming libraries providing unified services ranging from VoIP calls, enhanced SMS messaging and video-conferencing to access to network e-content for users and communities on a global basis.

Our “PathFinder” platform is the common base for all social telecom network applications, unifying the interfaces to people, communications and e-content. Developers will leverage existing network technologies and resources while users will be able to build their ideal custom personal social telecom network."

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Chris Cantell discusses the SuperPBX architecture

Frédéric Artru and Chris Cantell, founders of SigEx Telecom present the companies architecture and technology model. The following is an excerpt of the company's review for 2007.

"Last year, we were presenting the tremendous power of the SuperPBX architecture, a super-computer for telecommunications capable of ultra-rapid parallel communications between a wide range of applications and networks. The impact of such an architecture has led to the validation of our theory of business (Cantell’s Law): tv ≈ 0, the value of time approaches zero. We showed how this law leads inevitably to a constant decrease of the value of products and services that are continuously enhanced for the benefit of the user’s experience. The following figure illustrates that law.

SigEx Telecom now brings the power of Cantell’s Law into the palm of your hand with a consistent interface delivering your most important applications, independently of the network resources they use or the device you wish to access them on. The “dial” approach illustrated by the following figure shows accessibility of a wide range of applications (usually confined to specific devices) accessible directly at your fingertips, such as digital entertainment, movies, music, personal photos and slideshows, news articles with TV reports, email, phone calls and SMS, or even your favorite social network sites such as FaceBook which you can access without leaving your LivingSpace on your cellphone or at an Internet cafe."

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Résultats 2007: Croissance de Valorisation de la Société

Valorisation de €347M: Soutenue par la Croissance des Réseaux Sociaux

PARIS, FRANCE – 18 Janvier, 2008 – SigEx SuperPBX, SAS (ISIN: FR0004192540), innovateur des communications globales qui offre la diffusion de contenus numériques pour les réseaux sociaux d’avant garde, annonce aujourd'hui les résultats de la société pour l'année fiscale 2007.

SigEx SuperPBX combine de nouveaux services révolutionnaires de diffusions par les grands acteurs de l’industrie média avec des fonctionnalités télécom comme les espaces communs vidéos, la vidéo-conférence, les services téléphoniques intégrés, les communications SMS. L’utilisateur a ainsi accès aux réseaux sociaux de l’ensemble de nos partenaires.

« Le dernier trimestre a été actif pour les sociétés de divertissements sociaux », déclare Frédéric Artru, Directeur Général de Sigex SuperPBX. « Notre concentration sur une stratégie ‘rencontrer ou écarter’ continue d’alimenter notre réseau, » déclare Chris Cantell, Président Directeur Général. « Nous sommes particulièrement satisfaits de constater à quel point le divertissement apporte une expérience utilisateur optimale. »

Résultats Financiers

La valorisation totale de SigEx SuperPBX atteint €347 millions pour l'année fiscale 2007, soit une croissance de 118% par rapport à 2006. Le quatrième trimestre a contribué à 19% de la valorisation en 2007. La valorisation est calculée sur la base de la totalité du réseau.
Données Financières Marquantes

Valeur de l'Action – Le prix d'action de SigEx SuperPBX à la fin de l'année fiscale 2007 était de €30,80, soit une augmentation de 117% par rapport au prix de €14,20 fin 2006 et de 440% par rapport au prix de €5,66 fin 2005.

Croissance de la Valorisation – La valorisation pour l'année fiscale 2007 a augmenté d'un montant record de €188 millions, soit 96% de plus que les €96 millions générés en 2006, et 652% de plus que les €25 millions générés en 2005. Au dernier trimestre fiscal 2006, la société a généré €98 millions, soit 27% de plus que pour 2006 avec €77 millions. Cette croissance est poussée par une expansion des réseaux sociaux partenaires.

A Propos de SigEx SuperPBX

SigEx SuperPBX, sous la marque de SigEx Telecom, s’établit rapidement en leader de la diffusion de contenus numériques et de fournisseur de solutions pratiques et innovantes pour les réseaux sociaux télécoms. L’offre permet de parler, voir, télécharger et partager des vidéos clips sur TV en-ligne, des sites web, des blogs, des vidéo-mails et des communications SMS avancées de téléphones portables vers Internet. SigEx Telecom permet les communications voix et vidéo multi-utilisateurs illimitées et ses services sont utilisés à travers le monde.

Ces informations vous sont offertes par CantellTV, son partenaire technologique SigEx Telecom et leurs fondateur Chris Cantell. Cantell TV connaît la plus forte croissance dans les services de diffusion numérique et télécom qui permettent de facilement contrôler, visionner, télécharger et partager des contenus numériques grâce à une interface utilisateur propriétaire associée à des communications gratuites. Cantell TV s’engage à vous donner une infinité de possibilités de divertissement, toutes accessibles du bout des doigts ! Chris Cantell maintient des contrats de consultant avec plusieurs sociétés pre-IPO.

SigEx SuperPBX, SAS Announces Fiscal 2007 Equity Growth

Equity €347M: Delivered Through High Growth Social Networks

PARIS, FRANCE – 18 January, 2008 – SigEx SuperPBX, SAS (ISIN: FR0004192540) delivering digital stream broadcasting to the newest and hippest digital social networks, an innovator in global two-way interaction, today announced financial results for FY 2007.
SigEx SuperPBX combines revolutionary broadcasting services from big media players with enhanced telecom capacity, including video-rooms, four-way video-conferencing, integrated phone services, SMS communications delivering social network partners’ social grids to the user.

“This has been a fast-paced quarter for social entertainment properties,” said Frédéric Artru, SigEx President and Chief Operating Officer. “Our focus on the ‘meet or delete’ strategy continues to drive the network,” said Chris Cantell, SigEx Chief Executive Officer. “We are very pleased with how well quality entertainment is offering the ultimate user experience.”

Financial Summary
SigEx SuperPBX reported record total equity of €347 Million for the year ended September 30, 2007, up 118% compared to FY 2006. The fourth quarter contributed to 19% of the total equity growth for FY 2007. Equity is reported on a gross network basis.

Financial Highlights
Share Price – Share price ended FY 2007 at €30.80, an increase of 117% from the share price of €14.20 at the end of FY 2006 and of 440% from the share price of €5.66 for FY 2005.
Equity Growth – Equity growth in FY 2007 totaled a record €188 Million, representing a 96% increase over FY 2006 equity growth of €96 Million, and a 652% increase over FY 2005 equity growth of €25 Million. Equity growth for the last quarter 2007 totaled €98 Million up 27% from the last quarter 2006 of €77 Million. Growth was driven by the continued expansion of partners’ social networks.

About SigEx SuperPBX, SAS
SigEx SuperPBX is quickly becoming the leading digital stream broadcasting and ‘how-to’ success provider for innovative social communication telecom networks, offering: talk, view, upload and share video clips through online TV broadcasting, websites, blogs, video-mails and SMS enhanced communications from cell phones to the Internet. SigEx Telecom allows unlimited free voice and video communications for multiple online people and its services are used in almost every country around the world.

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.