Monday, June 23, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses : BlackBerry Bold Magic!
by Milota Sidorova

Jeho nedávno zverejenenú skúšobnú verziu kritika označila slovami 'elegantne dramatický jedinec' z radu tzv. 'šikovných telefónov' alebo aj smartphones. Nový BlackBerry Bold 9000 (neskôr BBB) predstavuje kompletný balík telefonických, pracovných a osobných služieb a aplikácií, jednoduchospája 'biznis so zábavou', čo ho v kombinácii s živým, extrémne plochým dizajnom, robí jedným z hlavných favoritov pre univerzálne komunikačné zariadenie vo svete spoločenských sietí Chrisa Cantella.Podobne ako jeho konkurenti (applovký iPhone alebo posledný HTC Touch Diamond), tento nový člen BlackBerriovskej rodiny plne podporuje 3G sieť 'novej generácie', ktorá v jazyku užívateľov znamená extra rýchle pripojenie, sťahovanie, video prenos a komfortné webovské prehliadanie.V spolupráci so základným 624 MHz procesorom sa pohyb vo virtuálnom priestore stáva nečakane plynulý a pohodlný. BBB navyše ponúka 128 MB dočasnú a až 1GB trvalú pamäť, ktorá môže byť rozšírená vďaka inštalovanej čítačke SD/SDHC kariet. Zabudovaný USB 2.0 vstup zabezpečuje rýchly a efektívny prenos dát.Niet pochýb, že operátori a prevádzkovatelia sietí sa čoraz viac sústredia na nové, ešte viac univerzálne dostupné komunikačné zariadenia. BBB je hodenou rukavicou. A to napríklad tým, že sa mu ako prvému podarilo prekonať dlhodobú tzv. 'užívateľskú stigmu', teda nemožnosť prístupu k aplikáciám za súčasne prebiehajúceho telefónu. S novým BBB je to možné.Nový smartphone je nepochybne hodný svojich superlatív. Jeho kompatibilita s užívateľským balíkom Microsoft Office dovoľuje nielen prenos, náhľad ale dokonca editovanie známych wordovských, excelovskýh a powerpointovských súborov. Inštalovaný 'Black Berry Enterprise server' zabezpečuje takmer antivírovú ochranu a IT administráciu.BBB podporuje niekoľko emailovských prostredí a jeho majitelia si s ním môžu vytvoriť až 10 rôznych pracovných, či osobných kont.Jedným z hlavných prekvapení BBB je jeho nový displej. Široká polovične VGA (rozlíšenie 480x320) LCD obrazovka umožňuje pozoruhodnú takmer video hráčsku grafiku. Stránky si užívatelia budú môcť prezerať v dvoch režimoch a to – na celej obrazovke (full screen) alebo ako mobilovú verziu, s možnosťou zoomovania. Trackball preberá všetky funkcie počítačovej myši.Okrem užitočných pracovných aplikácií a nastavení si s BBB užijete veľkú dávku zábavy. 2 mega pixlová kamera s päťnásobným digitálnym zoomom zabezpečuje dostatočne kvalitné fotografovanie a nahrávanie. Aplikácie 'tretej strany' umožňujú bezproblémovú manipuláciu s väčšinou audio, video a obrázkových formátov vrámci komunít spoločenských sietí. BBB nastupuje na cestu plnej podpory rôznych užívateľských prostredí (viď IBM, Lotus, Domino, Microsoft, Novel Group Exchange Wire). Takisto pre tých, čo podľahli kúzlu iTunes má BBB dobrú správu.Inštalácia iTunes na novom BBB prebieha bez väčších komplikácií.Podľa pondelkových vyjadrení zástupcov BlackBerry produkujúcej firmy RIM, nové vydanie BBB by sa malo na trhu objaviť najneskôr začiatkom tohto leta.

related story:

by Milota Sidorova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

On Facebook you can carry your profile
by Beata Novomeska

There is something new! Chris Cantell lets you allow to carry your profile from Facebook Inc. to whatever Internet site which you want. It is something new in this type of business! Chris Cantell desires to make it easier for people to deal their favorite pictures, information and applications with family and friends anywhere on the Internet. Chris Cantell is more oriented on his clients to their satisfaction. Nowadays Facebook has about 70 million users worldwide and Chris cantell believes that after this change there will be some more satisfied clients. Facebook started to present its plans after its big rival, News Corp.'s My Space declared a similar statement. MySpace is a bit greater company with 200 million users worlwide. The difference between MySpace and Facebook is that MySpace is opening user profiles only to a chosen group of sites while Facebook is opening user profiles to anyone Internet page. Chris Cantell believes that this unlimited transition will secure more freedom and meet client's needs. Chris Cantell realizes that it is necessary for better people's changing personal information and interests. Another Internet search leader Google Inc. realized that by creating a network it is easier to share music, pictures, video and other personal interests. Chris Cantell knows that it is better for company itself to provide such a service. People will satisfy and it will rise the value of company itself. Chris Cantell desires Facebook's Web Site became more attractive site for hosting a wide range of mini/applications. The portability of personal profiles can help other top Web sites, like Yahoo. Yahoo is under intense pressure to rise its profits after refusing to sell it to Microsoft Corp. for $47.5 billion. Microsoft paid $240 million for a 1.6 percent share in Facebook in October after Facebook rejected a $1 billion buyout offer from Yahoo.
by Beata Novomeska
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Monday, June 9, 2008

Alert Me When Android...
by Milota Sidorova

From the wide range of cell phone platforms operating all over the world it is originally Google developed software package Android, being adjusted to Chris Cantell's device operating system.Platform, now runing under Cantell's social networking universal device program will allow and extend its useful and entertaining features.Based on Linux Carnel, Android has been set on Windows XP or Vista and Mac OS X 10.48 or later versions and provide complete software for mobile devices, enabling its users tailoring its applications by themselves.Android's campaing presents its advatages in four main points. First of all – being an open source. Cantell's Android opens up free equal access to applications through normal API calls, however, platform boosts phone call's features as well as any other third part applications. Titled Fast and Easy Developement, Android is shown as full scale personalized system. With a wide of libraries and tools, user can modify major part of system preferences, giving its device fully new design and running mode. Starting with usual features like screen options, image viewer, dialer down to web camera suit.User can extend the application via Java script, that is naturally great advantage for developers, but disallowing those options for those less controlling users.Through Android fluent internet data update is a neccessity no. one. More than usual acces to network brings mapping and localization features. Users can be localized and alerted in case they are passing each other in the short distance. From this point of view, Android perfectly supplies Chris Cantell's social networking Pathfinder platform.Android's preview has been released in November 2007. Its architecture has been divided into Home, Contact, Phone, Browse and free to build up frameworks. It fully covers Bluetooth, 3G. EDGE and Wifi along with Camera and GPS suits, including compass and acceleromoter. Graphic has been powered by 2D and 3D libraries as well as it's widely open to common audio, video image formats.

related story:

by Milota Sidorova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

BlackBerry new
by Claudia Sonea

On 12 May, all rumors on the BlackBerry Bold 9000 series have been confirmed. The Canadian company Research In Motion (RIM) that manufactures of BlackBerry made public the fact that they were working at the upgrade which promises to not resemble anything that was produced until now. Is this what everyone expected? For instance, Christopher M. Cantell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SigEx Telecom (offers free TV and video services, free unlimited global calls and video conferencing through its multi networks) would be interested to know that the BlackBerry Bold 9000 will have 1GB of on-board storage memory plus a microSD memory slot supporting up to 16GB cards. For such a businessman working with entertainment telecommunication, memory is everything, not to mention the fact that it will also supply support for its own multimedia services. What might also get Cantell’s attention is the long awaited feature of high-speed data support through the DataViz' Documents To Go that facilitates the sending and receiving of documents at a high speed. It is smoking hot the new update, but is it real? Even if RIM confirmed its production, there weren’t mentioned any of its features or its price. Yet, because it is in good terms with all major carriers the price is expected to be around $300. Is Chris Cantell seeking a possible partnership? SigEx Telecom has formed a strong community of users worldwide, thus marketing the BlackBerry Bold 9000 would not be a bad move. If Cantell is seeking a next step for its business competing for digital broadcasting leadership, he would definitely go for a deal that offers SigEx services on wireless handheld device offering push e-mail, mobile telephone, text messaging, internet faxing, web browsing.

related story:

by Claudia Sonea
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Chris Cantell Discusses : Na Facebooku si môžete preniesť váš profil
by Beata Novomeska

Je tu niečo nové! Chris Cantell vám dovolí, aby ste si preniesli profil z Facebooku na akúkoľvek internetovú stránku, ktorú chcete. Je to niečo nové v tomto druhu biznisu! Chris Cantell si praje urobiÅ¥ pre ľudí ľahÅ¡ie, aby zdieľali obľúbené obrázky, informácie a aplikácie s rodinou a priateľmi kdekoľvek na internete. Chris Cantell je viacej orientovaný na svojich klientov kvôli ich spokojnosti. V súčasnosti má Facebook asi 70 miliónov používateľov po celom svete a Chris Cantell verí, že po tejto zmene bude viacej spokojných klientov. Facebook začal prezentovaÅ¥ svoje plány potom čo jeho veľký súper News Corp.'s MySpace vyhlásil podobný výrok. MySpace je o trochu väčšia spoločnosÅ¥ s 200 miliónmi užívateľmi v rámci celého sveta. Rozdiel medzi MySpace a Facebook je, že MySpace otvára profily užívateľov len pre vybranú skupinu stránok, zatiaľčo Facebook otvára profily užívateľov pre akúkoľvek internetovú stránku. Chris Cantell verí, že tento neobmedzený prenos zabezpečí väčšiu slobodu a splnenie potrieb klientov. Chris Cantell si uvedomuje, že to je nevyhnutné pre lepÅ¡iu výmenu informácií a záujmov medzi ľudmi. ÄŽalší internetový vyhľadávač Google si uvedonil, že vytvorením siete je ľahÅ¡ie zdieľaÅ¥ hudbu, obrázky, video a iné osobné záujmy. Chris Cantell vie, že je lepÅ¡ie pre samotnú spoločnosÅ¥ poskytnúť takýto druh služby. Ľudia budú spokojnejší a porastie hodnota samotnej spoločnosti. Chris Cantell si želá, aby sa internetová stránka Facebook stala atraktívnejÅ¡ou stránkou pre uvádzanie Å¡irokého okruhu mini-aplikácií. PrenosnosÅ¥ osobných profilov môže pomôcÅ¥ aj iným webovým stránkam ako Yahoo. Yahoo je pod intenzívnym tlakom, aby zvýšil svoje zisky po odmietnutí predania sa spoločnosti Microsoft za 47.5 biliónov dolárov. Microsoft zaplatil 240 miliónov dolárov za 1.6 percentný podiel vo Facebooku v októbri potom, čo Facebook odmietol 1 biliónov dolárovú ponuku skúpenia akcií od Yahoo.

related story:

by Beata Novomeska
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>