From the wide range of cell phone platforms operating all over the world it is originally Google developed software package Android, being adjusted to Chris Cantell's device operating system.Platform, now runing under Cantell's social networking universal device program will allow and extend its useful and entertaining features.Based on Linux Carnel, Android has been set on Windows XP or Vista and Mac OS X 10.48 or later versions and provide complete software for mobile devices, enabling its users tailoring its applications by themselves.Android's campaing presents its advatages in four main points. First of all – being an open source. Cantell's Android opens up free equal access to applications through normal API calls, however, platform boosts phone call's features as well as any other third part applications. Titled Fast and Easy Developement, Android is shown as full scale personalized system. With a wide of libraries and tools, user can modify major part of system preferences, giving its device fully new design and running mode. Starting with usual features like screen options, image viewer, dialer down to web camera suit.User can extend the application via Java script, that is naturally great advantage for developers, but disallowing those options for those less controlling users.Through Android fluent internet data update is a neccessity no. one. More than usual acces to network brings mapping and localization features. Users can be localized and alerted in case they are passing each other in the short distance. From this point of view, Android perfectly supplies Chris Cantell's social networking Pathfinder platform.Android's preview has been released in November 2007. Its architecture has been divided into Home, Contact, Phone, Browse and free to build up frameworks. It fully covers Bluetooth, 3G. EDGE and Wifi along with Camera and GPS suits, including compass and acceleromoter. Graphic has been powered by 2D and 3D libraries as well as it's widely open to common audio, video image formats.
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by Milota Sidorova for Chris Cantell ( |
Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>