Monday, June 23, 2008

On Facebook you can carry your profile
by Beata Novomeska

There is something new! Chris Cantell lets you allow to carry your profile from Facebook Inc. to whatever Internet site which you want. It is something new in this type of business! Chris Cantell desires to make it easier for people to deal their favorite pictures, information and applications with family and friends anywhere on the Internet. Chris Cantell is more oriented on his clients to their satisfaction. Nowadays Facebook has about 70 million users worldwide and Chris cantell believes that after this change there will be some more satisfied clients. Facebook started to present its plans after its big rival, News Corp.'s My Space declared a similar statement. MySpace is a bit greater company with 200 million users worlwide. The difference between MySpace and Facebook is that MySpace is opening user profiles only to a chosen group of sites while Facebook is opening user profiles to anyone Internet page. Chris Cantell believes that this unlimited transition will secure more freedom and meet client's needs. Chris Cantell realizes that it is necessary for better people's changing personal information and interests. Another Internet search leader Google Inc. realized that by creating a network it is easier to share music, pictures, video and other personal interests. Chris Cantell knows that it is better for company itself to provide such a service. People will satisfy and it will rise the value of company itself. Chris Cantell desires Facebook's Web Site became more attractive site for hosting a wide range of mini/applications. The portability of personal profiles can help other top Web sites, like Yahoo. Yahoo is under intense pressure to rise its profits after refusing to sell it to Microsoft Corp. for $47.5 billion. Microsoft paid $240 million for a 1.6 percent share in Facebook in October after Facebook rejected a $1 billion buyout offer from Yahoo.
by Beata Novomeska
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>