Friday, May 23, 2008

Is it possible to knock out Apple iPhone?
by Jana Geletkova

In past week, there started a big competition to beat Apple iPhone. Samsung's Glyde and BlackBerry Bold take completely different tacks how to challenge the multimedia smartphone king, with mixed results. It is obvious that Samsung' Glyde certainly went astray while BlackBerry Bold has the right approach to beating the iPhone. It is a bit important not to copy the iPhone but learn from it. The Samsung Glyde tried to copy Apple's interface but good design is useless when it does not work well. On the other side, The BlackBerry Bold with the 480 by 320 pixel screen, the same resolution as the iPhone has, which is a great addition for a newer, cleaner looking interface, borrows more intelligently from the iPhone. The speed of iPhone is one of the fastest because of its processor running in access of 600 MHz. RIM's BlackBerry Bold packs a similar chip running at 624 MHz. RIM put a gig memory into the Bold which is a quite enough to keep some music and some business attachments. Very helpful can be to take the advantages of the iPhone shortcomings. First, the hardware keyboard is an obvious design choice, but if it is not comfortable for typing it will not help much. Second, the Glyde keyboard is small and cramped, but most of the BlackBerry's keyboards were an improvement over the iPhone's touch keys. Finally, there are some other shortcoming that could be exploited, e.g.: camera, social networks etc., but probably not by RIM. It is known that Apple is a small company and it makes only one phone while Samsung is able to produce 50- 100 new phone models. Apple also can not release the iPhone on the another network in U.S., at least not for a while. The details are hazy, but what is clear is that RIM will sell the BlackBerry Bold on every major U.S carrrier. Nevertheless, the result is that companies who try to defeat the iPhone will probably fail, because their goal is suspect.

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by Jana Geletkova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>