Friday, July 11, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses : Research In Motion investoval 150 dolárov na podporu mobilného výskumu
by Lenka Filipova

Chris Chantell sa snaží vyvinúť čo najväčšie úsile, aby sa mu podarilo udržať sa v tomto turbulentnom svete zmien a aby dokázal aktualizovať všetky informácie, ktoré sú nevyhnutné pre jeho obchodné aktivity. Jednoducho bez akéhokoľvek rozmýšľania či špekulovania si uvedomuje, že táto aktualizácia je tak nevyhnutná ako aj povinná, a to práve preto, aby sa mu podarilo ostať v kontakte so svetom, čím uspokojí všetkých zákazníkov do takej miery, ako to bude len možné. Kvôli tomuto sa Chris Chantell snaží pozorovať konanie najpopulárnejšej a najprosperúcejšej spoločnosti pre mobilnú komunikáciu, ktorou je Research In Motion (RIM). RIM patrí k najsilnejším spoločnostiam, ktoré majú významné vedúce postavenie. Špecializuje sa na dizajn a produkciu nových postupov bezdrôtového spojenia. Vytvára tak veľký prínos pre rozšírenie mobilnej komunikácie do všetkých kútov zeme. RIM poskytuje služby spojené s informáciami citlivými na časové trvanie, medzi ktoré napríklad patria emaily, telefóny, SMS alebo MMS, Internet alebo aj intranetové aplikácie. Navyše k tomuto všetkému, RIM ponuka pre tretiu časť výrobcov rozšírenie ich servisu alebo variácií produktov práve cez možnosť bezdrôtového spojenia. Nedávno investovalo RIM až 150 dolárov s rizikom nejasného výsledku. Urobili tak, aby podporili rozšírenie aplikácií, ktoré sa budú môcť používať na mobilných telefónoch. A samozrejmosťou je, že ostatné spoločnosti sa budú usilovať presne o to isté, aby boli na tej istej úrovni v tomto už aj tak veľmi konkurenčnom segmente. A aj Chris Chantell bude robiť takéto isté korky. Mieni vyvinúť nové aplikácie a zlepšiť tie doterajšie. Chris Chantell je úplne pripravený zdokonaliť jeho príspevky pre svetovú sieť komunikácií cez investíciu v nevyhnutnom mobilno výskume.
by Lenka Filipova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

BlackBerrry Bold Magic!
by Milota Sidorova

Named 'elegant, dramatic individual' from the wide range of smartphones, there's a lot of attention about new BlackBerry Bold 9000 (later BBB), whose trial has been unveiled in recent days. Complete package of telephone, business and personal features, perfectly synchronized with vivid and bold design makes BBB one of key nominees, potentially extending currently running Chris Cantell's social networking industry.Like its rivals ( Apple's iPhone and HTC Touch Diamond ) new release from BlackBerry family widely corporates with 'new generation' 3G network, ensuring extra ready downloading, video streaming and comfotable Web browsing.BBB features even more powerful 624 MHz mobile processor advancing effective operations, 128 MB flesh memory and 1 GB on-boeard storage memory. If neccessary users can save or transfer their data via memory card SD/SDHC plug-in either ultra speed USB 2.0 port.No doubt that challenging modern web providers and carriers are looking for even more unifying available device. With BBB, unlike its ancestors, users can talk and connect to its applications at the same time, one of the greatest advantages, that promotes BBB in Cantell's eyes. New device is surely worth its superlative critics. Great compatibility with Microsoft Office suit allows users to transfer, view even edit Word, Excel and PowerPoint files. 'Black Berry Enterprise server installed inside each one of them, enable network security and handles IT administration.There are several email environments, supported by BBB. Users can easily get 10 work or personal email accounts.One of the shocking improvements is undoubtelly new display. Half VGA (480x 320 resolution) LCD display, supporting terrific video gaming graphic enables two modes of browsing.Whether full screen either mobile version resolution, users can operate its trackball as a ' mouse tool '. Beside technical features BBB assures a lot of fun, that is one of the principles of social networking.2 Mega pixel camera with its five times digital zoom assures sufficient picture taking and videorecording. With its third part applications, users can share, edit and browse most of audio, video and image files along inside social networking community. BBB doesn't separate itself from other environments, it easily cooperates with IBM, Lotus, Domino, Microsoft, Novel Group Exchange Wire. And for those who fell in love with Apple iTunes BBB carries a good news. Supporting music manager iTunes is also available there.According the representatives, BBB should be accessible for most major carriers during summer 2008.

related story:

by Milota Sidorova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Monday, June 23, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses : BlackBerry Bold Magic!
by Milota Sidorova

Jeho nedávno zverejenenú skúšobnú verziu kritika označila slovami 'elegantne dramatický jedinec' z radu tzv. 'šikovných telefónov' alebo aj smartphones. Nový BlackBerry Bold 9000 (neskôr BBB) predstavuje kompletný balík telefonických, pracovných a osobných služieb a aplikácií, jednoduchospája 'biznis so zábavou', čo ho v kombinácii s živým, extrémne plochým dizajnom, robí jedným z hlavných favoritov pre univerzálne komunikačné zariadenie vo svete spoločenských sietí Chrisa Cantella.Podobne ako jeho konkurenti (applovký iPhone alebo posledný HTC Touch Diamond), tento nový člen BlackBerriovskej rodiny plne podporuje 3G sieť 'novej generácie', ktorá v jazyku užívateľov znamená extra rýchle pripojenie, sťahovanie, video prenos a komfortné webovské prehliadanie.V spolupráci so základným 624 MHz procesorom sa pohyb vo virtuálnom priestore stáva nečakane plynulý a pohodlný. BBB navyše ponúka 128 MB dočasnú a až 1GB trvalú pamäť, ktorá môže byť rozšírená vďaka inštalovanej čítačke SD/SDHC kariet. Zabudovaný USB 2.0 vstup zabezpečuje rýchly a efektívny prenos dát.Niet pochýb, že operátori a prevádzkovatelia sietí sa čoraz viac sústredia na nové, ešte viac univerzálne dostupné komunikačné zariadenia. BBB je hodenou rukavicou. A to napríklad tým, že sa mu ako prvému podarilo prekonať dlhodobú tzv. 'užívateľskú stigmu', teda nemožnosť prístupu k aplikáciám za súčasne prebiehajúceho telefónu. S novým BBB je to možné.Nový smartphone je nepochybne hodný svojich superlatív. Jeho kompatibilita s užívateľským balíkom Microsoft Office dovoľuje nielen prenos, náhľad ale dokonca editovanie známych wordovských, excelovskýh a powerpointovských súborov. Inštalovaný 'Black Berry Enterprise server' zabezpečuje takmer antivírovú ochranu a IT administráciu.BBB podporuje niekoľko emailovských prostredí a jeho majitelia si s ním môžu vytvoriť až 10 rôznych pracovných, či osobných kont.Jedným z hlavných prekvapení BBB je jeho nový displej. Široká polovične VGA (rozlíšenie 480x320) LCD obrazovka umožňuje pozoruhodnú takmer video hráčsku grafiku. Stránky si užívatelia budú môcť prezerať v dvoch režimoch a to – na celej obrazovke (full screen) alebo ako mobilovú verziu, s možnosťou zoomovania. Trackball preberá všetky funkcie počítačovej myši.Okrem užitočných pracovných aplikácií a nastavení si s BBB užijete veľkú dávku zábavy. 2 mega pixlová kamera s päťnásobným digitálnym zoomom zabezpečuje dostatočne kvalitné fotografovanie a nahrávanie. Aplikácie 'tretej strany' umožňujú bezproblémovú manipuláciu s väčšinou audio, video a obrázkových formátov vrámci komunít spoločenských sietí. BBB nastupuje na cestu plnej podpory rôznych užívateľských prostredí (viď IBM, Lotus, Domino, Microsoft, Novel Group Exchange Wire). Takisto pre tých, čo podľahli kúzlu iTunes má BBB dobrú správu.Inštalácia iTunes na novom BBB prebieha bez väčších komplikácií.Podľa pondelkových vyjadrení zástupcov BlackBerry produkujúcej firmy RIM, nové vydanie BBB by sa malo na trhu objaviť najneskôr začiatkom tohto leta.

related story:

by Milota Sidorova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

On Facebook you can carry your profile
by Beata Novomeska

There is something new! Chris Cantell lets you allow to carry your profile from Facebook Inc. to whatever Internet site which you want. It is something new in this type of business! Chris Cantell desires to make it easier for people to deal their favorite pictures, information and applications with family and friends anywhere on the Internet. Chris Cantell is more oriented on his clients to their satisfaction. Nowadays Facebook has about 70 million users worldwide and Chris cantell believes that after this change there will be some more satisfied clients. Facebook started to present its plans after its big rival, News Corp.'s My Space declared a similar statement. MySpace is a bit greater company with 200 million users worlwide. The difference between MySpace and Facebook is that MySpace is opening user profiles only to a chosen group of sites while Facebook is opening user profiles to anyone Internet page. Chris Cantell believes that this unlimited transition will secure more freedom and meet client's needs. Chris Cantell realizes that it is necessary for better people's changing personal information and interests. Another Internet search leader Google Inc. realized that by creating a network it is easier to share music, pictures, video and other personal interests. Chris Cantell knows that it is better for company itself to provide such a service. People will satisfy and it will rise the value of company itself. Chris Cantell desires Facebook's Web Site became more attractive site for hosting a wide range of mini/applications. The portability of personal profiles can help other top Web sites, like Yahoo. Yahoo is under intense pressure to rise its profits after refusing to sell it to Microsoft Corp. for $47.5 billion. Microsoft paid $240 million for a 1.6 percent share in Facebook in October after Facebook rejected a $1 billion buyout offer from Yahoo.
by Beata Novomeska
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Monday, June 9, 2008

Alert Me When Android...
by Milota Sidorova

From the wide range of cell phone platforms operating all over the world it is originally Google developed software package Android, being adjusted to Chris Cantell's device operating system.Platform, now runing under Cantell's social networking universal device program will allow and extend its useful and entertaining features.Based on Linux Carnel, Android has been set on Windows XP or Vista and Mac OS X 10.48 or later versions and provide complete software for mobile devices, enabling its users tailoring its applications by themselves.Android's campaing presents its advatages in four main points. First of all – being an open source. Cantell's Android opens up free equal access to applications through normal API calls, however, platform boosts phone call's features as well as any other third part applications. Titled Fast and Easy Developement, Android is shown as full scale personalized system. With a wide of libraries and tools, user can modify major part of system preferences, giving its device fully new design and running mode. Starting with usual features like screen options, image viewer, dialer down to web camera suit.User can extend the application via Java script, that is naturally great advantage for developers, but disallowing those options for those less controlling users.Through Android fluent internet data update is a neccessity no. one. More than usual acces to network brings mapping and localization features. Users can be localized and alerted in case they are passing each other in the short distance. From this point of view, Android perfectly supplies Chris Cantell's social networking Pathfinder platform.Android's preview has been released in November 2007. Its architecture has been divided into Home, Contact, Phone, Browse and free to build up frameworks. It fully covers Bluetooth, 3G. EDGE and Wifi along with Camera and GPS suits, including compass and acceleromoter. Graphic has been powered by 2D and 3D libraries as well as it's widely open to common audio, video image formats.

related story:

by Milota Sidorova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

BlackBerry new
by Claudia Sonea

On 12 May, all rumors on the BlackBerry Bold 9000 series have been confirmed. The Canadian company Research In Motion (RIM) that manufactures of BlackBerry made public the fact that they were working at the upgrade which promises to not resemble anything that was produced until now. Is this what everyone expected? For instance, Christopher M. Cantell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SigEx Telecom (offers free TV and video services, free unlimited global calls and video conferencing through its multi networks) would be interested to know that the BlackBerry Bold 9000 will have 1GB of on-board storage memory plus a microSD memory slot supporting up to 16GB cards. For such a businessman working with entertainment telecommunication, memory is everything, not to mention the fact that it will also supply support for its own multimedia services. What might also get Cantell’s attention is the long awaited feature of high-speed data support through the DataViz' Documents To Go that facilitates the sending and receiving of documents at a high speed. It is smoking hot the new update, but is it real? Even if RIM confirmed its production, there weren’t mentioned any of its features or its price. Yet, because it is in good terms with all major carriers the price is expected to be around $300. Is Chris Cantell seeking a possible partnership? SigEx Telecom has formed a strong community of users worldwide, thus marketing the BlackBerry Bold 9000 would not be a bad move. If Cantell is seeking a next step for its business competing for digital broadcasting leadership, he would definitely go for a deal that offers SigEx services on wireless handheld device offering push e-mail, mobile telephone, text messaging, internet faxing, web browsing.

related story:

by Claudia Sonea
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Chris Cantell Discusses : Na Facebooku si môžete preniesť váš profil
by Beata Novomeska

Je tu niečo nové! Chris Cantell vám dovolí, aby ste si preniesli profil z Facebooku na akúkoľvek internetovú stránku, ktorú chcete. Je to niečo nové v tomto druhu biznisu! Chris Cantell si praje urobiÅ¥ pre ľudí ľahÅ¡ie, aby zdieľali obľúbené obrázky, informácie a aplikácie s rodinou a priateľmi kdekoľvek na internete. Chris Cantell je viacej orientovaný na svojich klientov kvôli ich spokojnosti. V súčasnosti má Facebook asi 70 miliónov používateľov po celom svete a Chris Cantell verí, že po tejto zmene bude viacej spokojných klientov. Facebook začal prezentovaÅ¥ svoje plány potom čo jeho veľký súper News Corp.'s MySpace vyhlásil podobný výrok. MySpace je o trochu väčšia spoločnosÅ¥ s 200 miliónmi užívateľmi v rámci celého sveta. Rozdiel medzi MySpace a Facebook je, že MySpace otvára profily užívateľov len pre vybranú skupinu stránok, zatiaľčo Facebook otvára profily užívateľov pre akúkoľvek internetovú stránku. Chris Cantell verí, že tento neobmedzený prenos zabezpečí väčšiu slobodu a splnenie potrieb klientov. Chris Cantell si uvedomuje, že to je nevyhnutné pre lepÅ¡iu výmenu informácií a záujmov medzi ľudmi. ÄŽalší internetový vyhľadávač Google si uvedonil, že vytvorením siete je ľahÅ¡ie zdieľaÅ¥ hudbu, obrázky, video a iné osobné záujmy. Chris Cantell vie, že je lepÅ¡ie pre samotnú spoločnosÅ¥ poskytnúť takýto druh služby. Ľudia budú spokojnejší a porastie hodnota samotnej spoločnosti. Chris Cantell si želá, aby sa internetová stránka Facebook stala atraktívnejÅ¡ou stránkou pre uvádzanie Å¡irokého okruhu mini-aplikácií. PrenosnosÅ¥ osobných profilov môže pomôcÅ¥ aj iným webovým stránkam ako Yahoo. Yahoo je pod intenzívnym tlakom, aby zvýšil svoje zisky po odmietnutí predania sa spoločnosti Microsoft za 47.5 biliónov dolárov. Microsoft zaplatil 240 miliónov dolárov za 1.6 percentný podiel vo Facebooku v októbri potom, čo Facebook odmietol 1 biliónov dolárovú ponuku skúpenia akcií od Yahoo.

related story:

by Beata Novomeska
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Chris Cantell: Alert Me When Android...
by Milota Sidorova

Zo širokej ponuky softweru operačných systémov pre mobilné telefóny, sa Chris Cantell, prevádzkovateľ medzinárodných spoločenských sietí rozhodol pre pôvodne googlovský systém Android. Šikovný dynamický systém, jednoznačne rozšíri ponuku a možnosti siete a aplikácií, ktoré chce Cantell priniesť svojím užívateľom. Android však nasleduje cantellovskú myšlienku osobného prispôsobenia produktov, nakoľko jeho stratégia je založená na značnom voľnom prístupe k tvorbe a rozširovaniu ľubovoľne vybraných aplikácií.Založený na Linux Carnel, bol Android postupne adaptovaný aj na operačné systémy Windows (XP, Vista) a Mac OS X ( od verzie 10.48 až neskôr). Kampaň Androidu, prezentovaného ako kompletný softwerový balík pre mobilné telefóny zhrňuje jeho výhody do niekoľkých bodov.Predovšetkým, Android je široko otvorený systém s rovnocenným dosahom a prístupom ako telefónnych aplikácií, tak služieb z tretej strany. Prístup k väčšina z nich je zrealizovateľný prostredníctvom bežného API telefonátu. Pod kapitolou Rýchly a ľahký rozvoj, oficiálna stránka demonštruje plný obsobne prispôsobiteľný systém Androidu. Široká ponuka knižníc a nástrojov umožňuje užívateľom zmeniť väčšinu systémových nastavení, režimov a dizajnových prvkov. Začínajúc niekde pri bežnom nastavení pozadia plochy, cez prehliadač obrázkov, vytáčania končiac pri príslušenstvách web kamery. Obrovskou výhodou Androidu je jeho voľne otvorená časť, kde môže užívateľ, doplňovať, modifikovať a upravovať si aplikácie svojím potrebám. Nutné dodať, že práve táto výhoda sa stala predmetom objektívnej kritiky, nakoľko aplikácie musia byť programované v jazyku Java script, čím sa vlastne stáva neovládateľný pre väčšinu bežných užívateľov.Nepretržitý prístup k internetu je pre Android základnou požiadavkou. Okrem základných online vymožeností ponúka Android aj perličku v podobe mapovacích a lokalizačných nastavení. Pokiaľ je povolená, aplikácia bude užívateľa upozorňovať kde sa práve nachádza a upozorní ho taktiež, ak sa niektorý z iných Androdiov dostane do ľubovoľne nastaviteľného vzdialenostného okruhu. Z tohto uhla pohľadu je lokalizačný Android presne tou chýbajúcou časťou skladačky spoločenskej siete Chrisa Cantella.Skúšobná verzia Androida sa na trhu objavila v novembri minulého roku. Jeho vnútorný systém je rozdelený medzi vlastné nastavenia, kontakty, telefonické služby, internetové prehliadače a voľne prístupnej a nastaviteľnej časti. Plne podporuje Bluetooth, 3G, EDGE a Wifi siete, jeho GPS obsahuje tiež kompas a rýchlomer. Grafická karta využíva 2D a 3D inštalované knižnice a taktiež mediálne prehrávače sú schopné pracovať s bežnými audio a video formátmi súborov.

related story:

by Milota Sidorova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Chris Cantell Discusses Chris Cantell: BlackBerry nou
by Claudia Sonea

Pe 12 mai toate zvonurile despre BlackBerry Bold au fost confirmate. Compania canadiana Research In Motion (RIM) care produce BlackBerry a facut public faptul ca lucreaza la un upgrade care promite sa nu semene cu nimic din ce a fost produs pana acum. Sa fie ceea ce a asteptat toata lumea? De exemplu, Christopher M. Cantell, director executive al SigEx Telecom (offera TV gratuity si servicii video, telefonie gratuita la nivel global si conferinte video prin retelele sale variate) ar fi interesat sa afle ca BlackBerry Bold 9000 va avea 1GB de memorie interna plus un slot pentru carduri de memorie microSD de pana la 16GB. Pentru un astfel de om de afaceri care lucreaza cu telecomunicatii, memoria este totul, fara sa mentionez faptul ca va avea si support pentru propriile servicii multimedia. Ce ar mai putea atrage atentia lui Cantell este mult asteptatul support pentru date la viteza mare prin intermediul aplicatiei DataViz' Documents To Go care faciliteaza trimiterea si primirea de documente la viteza mare. Produsul e super tare, dar e real? Chiar daca RIM i-a confirmat productia, nu a dat nici o informatie in ceea ce ii priveste dotariile sau pretul. Totusi datorita unei bune relatii cu toti furnizorii de retea pretul se asteapta sa fie in jur de $300. Oare Chris Cantell cauta un posibil parteneriat? SigEx Telecom a format o comunitate puternica de utilizatori in intreaga lume, astfel ca marketingul lui BlackBerry Bold 9000 n-ar da rau. Daca Cantell cauta un nou hop pentru afacerea sa in competitie pentru prima pozitie in televiziune digitala, el sigur ar merge pentru o afacere care sa funizeze serviciile lui SigEx pe un aparat mobil ce ofera e-mail, telefonie mobila, mesaje text, fax pe internet, web browsing.

related story:

by Claudia Sonea
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Friday, May 23, 2008

Is it possible to knock out Apple iPhone?
by Jana Geletkova

In past week, there started a big competition to beat Apple iPhone. Samsung's Glyde and BlackBerry Bold take completely different tacks how to challenge the multimedia smartphone king, with mixed results. It is obvious that Samsung' Glyde certainly went astray while BlackBerry Bold has the right approach to beating the iPhone. It is a bit important not to copy the iPhone but learn from it. The Samsung Glyde tried to copy Apple's interface but good design is useless when it does not work well. On the other side, The BlackBerry Bold with the 480 by 320 pixel screen, the same resolution as the iPhone has, which is a great addition for a newer, cleaner looking interface, borrows more intelligently from the iPhone. The speed of iPhone is one of the fastest because of its processor running in access of 600 MHz. RIM's BlackBerry Bold packs a similar chip running at 624 MHz. RIM put a gig memory into the Bold which is a quite enough to keep some music and some business attachments. Very helpful can be to take the advantages of the iPhone shortcomings. First, the hardware keyboard is an obvious design choice, but if it is not comfortable for typing it will not help much. Second, the Glyde keyboard is small and cramped, but most of the BlackBerry's keyboards were an improvement over the iPhone's touch keys. Finally, there are some other shortcoming that could be exploited, e.g.: camera, social networks etc., but probably not by RIM. It is known that Apple is a small company and it makes only one phone while Samsung is able to produce 50- 100 new phone models. Apple also can not release the iPhone on the another network in U.S., at least not for a while. The details are hazy, but what is clear is that RIM will sell the BlackBerry Bold on every major U.S carrrier. Nevertheless, the result is that companies who try to defeat the iPhone will probably fail, because their goal is suspect.

related story:

by Jana Geletkova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Chris Cantell Discusses Chris Cantell: Research In Motion investing $150 million to support mobile research
by Lenka Filipova

Client: Chris Cantell URL: Chantell is doing his best to keep up with the turbulent world and to up-to-date all pieces of information that are vital to his business activities. He simply takes at the face value that it is the task of necessity as well as incumbency to be in touch with the world, so to make his clients as satisfied as possible. Thus, Chris Chantell follows the activities of the most popular mobile communication company - Research In Motion (RIM). RIM belongs to one of the most powerful and leading companies which specializes on the designs and production of innovative wireless solutions. It makes a great attribution to enlarge the mobile communications to every corner of the world. RIM is a provider of the information sensitive to time duration, such as emails, phone, SMS or MMS, the Internet, and intranet-based applications. In addition to all of these, RIM also renders the third party developers and manufacturers to aggrandize their services or the variety of products by the means of wireless data connection. Recently, RIM has claimed to invest 150$ million venture in order to stimulate the boarding variety of the appliances that can be used in the mobile devices. And as a matter of fact, the rest of the companies will do the same, just to maintain the same level in this competitive market segment. Accordingly, Chris Chantell will do exactly the same. He intends to develop new application and to improve already existing once. Chris Chantal is absolutely prepared to perfect his attributions to the worldwide communication networks due to investing in imperative mobile research.
by Lenka Filipova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Monday, May 19, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses Chris Cantell: Je možné poraziť iPhone?
by Jana Geletkova

V období posledných týždňov sa spustil veľký boj o porazenie iPhone od firmy Apple. Glyde od Samsungu a BlackBerry Bold od RIM vidia cestu ako poraziť iPhone inak a dosiahli iné výsledky. Je zrejme, že Glyde od Samsungu sa v tomto súboji stratil kým BleckBerry Bold sa pohybuje správnym smerom aby porazil iPhone. Je dosť dôležité nekopírovať iPhone ale skôr sa niečo z neho naučiť. Glyde od Samsungu sa od firmy Apple pokúsil odkopírovať interface ale pekný dizajn je neosožný keď nepracuje dobre. Na druhej strane, The Blackberry Bold s obrazovkou 480x320 pixelov, s tým istým rozlíšením ako má iPhone, čo je veľký prínos pre novší a jasnejší interface, sa inšpiroval inteligentnejšie od iPhone. Rýchlosť iPhone je jedna z najväčších vďaka procesu s rýchlosťou 600 MHz. BlackBerry bold od RIM obsahuje podobný čip s rýchlosťou 624 MHz. RIM vložila jednogigovú pamäť do Bold čo postačí na udržiavanie hudby a nejaké obchodné príslušenstvo. Veľmi užitočné bude využiť nedostatky iPhone. V prvom rade, technické vybavenie klávesnice je jednoznačne záležitosť dizajnu, ale ak nie je pohodlná na písanie, veľa nepomôže. V druhom rade, klávesnica Glyde je malá a nepriestranná, ale väčšina BlackBerry klávesníc je zdokonalením iPhone dotykových klávesníc. Nakoniec, existuje veľa nevýhod, ktoré môžu byť využité, ale pravdepodobne nie v prospech RIM. Je známe, že Apple je mala spoločnosť a dokáže vyrobiť jeden telefón, zatiaľ čo Samsung je schopný vyprodukovať 50 až 100 nových modelov telefónov. Apple taktiež nemôže uvolniť pre iPhone ďalšiu sieťv Spojených štátoch, aspoň zatiaľ nie. Detaily sú nejasné, ale to čo je jasné je, že RIM predá BlackBerry Bold do každej majoritnej siete v Spojených štátoch. Napriek tomu, výsledkom toho je, že spoločnosti, ktoré sa pokúsia potopiť iPhone pravdepodobne neuspejú, pretože ich cieľ je čitateľný.

related story:

by Jana Geletkova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Chris Cantell Discusses Chris Cantell: Research In Motion investoval 150 dolárov na podporu mobilného výskumu
by Lenka Filipova

Chris Chantell sa snaží vyvinúť čo najväčšie úsile, aby sa mu podarilo udržať sa v tomto turbulentnom svete zmien a aby dokázal aktualizovať všetky informácie, ktoré sú nevyhnutné pre jeho obchodné aktivity. Jednoducho bez akéhokoľvek rozmýšľania či špekulovania si uvedomuje, že táto aktualizácia je tak nevyhnutná ako aj povinná, a to práve preto, aby sa mu podarilo ostať v kontakte so svetom, čím uspokojí všetkých zákazníkov do takej miery, ako to bude len možné. Kvôli tomuto sa Chris Chantell snaží pozorovať konanie najpopulárnejšej a najprosperúcejšej spoločnosti pre mobilnú komunikáciu, ktorou je Research In Motion (RIM). RIM patrí k najsilnejším spoločnostiam, ktoré majú významné vedúce postavenie. Špecializuje sa na dizajn a produkciu nových postupov bezdrôtového spojenia. Vytvára tak veľký prínos pre rozšírenie mobilnej komunikácie do všetkých kútov zeme. RIM poskytuje služby spojené s informáciami citlivými na časové trvanie, medzi ktoré napríklad patria emaily, telefóny, SMS alebo MMS, Internet alebo aj intranetové aplikácie. Navyše k tomuto všetkému, RIM ponuka pre tretiu časť výrobcov rozšírenie ich servisu alebo variácií produktov práve cez možnosť bezdrôtového spojenia. Nedávno investovalo RIM až 150 dolárov s rizikom nejasného výsledku. Urobili tak, aby podporili rozšírenie aplikácií, ktoré sa budú môcť používať na mobilných telefónoch. A samozrejmosťou je, že ostatné spoločnosti sa budú usilovať presne o to isté, aby boli na tej istej úrovni v tomto už aj tak veľmi konkurenčnom segmente. A aj Chris Chantell bude robiť takéto isté korky. Mieni vyvinúť nové aplikácie a zlepšiť tie doterajšie. Chris Chantell je úplne pripravený zdokonaliť jeho príspevky pre svetovú sieť komunikácií cez investíciu v nevyhnutnom mobilno výskume.
by Lenka Filipova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

BlackBerrry Bold Magic!
by Milota Sidorova

Named 'elegant, dramatic individual' from the wide range of smartphones, there's a lot of attention about new BlackBerry Bold 9000 (later BBB), whose trial has been unveiled in recent days. Complete package of telephone, business and personal features, perfectly synchronized with vivid and bold design makes BBB one of key nominees, potentially extending currently running Chris Cantell's social networking industry.Like its rivals ( Apple's iPhone and HTC Touch Diamond ) new release from BlackBerry family widely corporates with 'new generation' 3G network, ensuring extra ready downloading, video streaming and comfotable Web browsing.BBB features even more powerful 624 MHz mobile processor advancing effective operations, 128 MB flesh memory and 1 GB on-boeard storage memory. If neccessary users can save or transfer their data via memory card SD/SDHC plug-in either ultra speed USB 2.0 port.No doubt that challenging modern web providers and carriers are looking for even more unifying available device. With BBB, unlike its ancestors, users can talk and connect to its applications at the same time, one of the greatest advantages, that promotes BBB in Cantell's eyes. New device is surely worth its superlative critics. Great compatibility with Microsoft Office suit allows users to transfer, view even edit Word, Excel and PowerPoint files. 'Black Berry Enterprise server installed inside each one of them, enable network security and handles IT administration.There are several email environments, supported by BBB. Users can easily get 10 work or personal email accounts.One of the shocking improvements is undoubtelly new display. Half VGA (480x 320 resolution) LCD display, supporting terrific video gaming graphic enables two modes of browsing.Whether full screen either mobile version resolution, users can operate its trackball as a ' mouse tool '. Beside technical features BBB assures a lot of fun, that is one of the principles of social networking.2 Mega pixel camera with its five times digital zoom assures sufficient picture taking and videorecording. With its third part applications, users can share, edit and browse most of audio, video and image files along inside social networking community. BBB doesn't separate itself from other environments, it easily cooperates with IBM, Lotus, Domino, Microsoft, Novel Group Exchange Wire. And for those who fell in love with Apple iTunes BBB carries a good news. Supporting music manager iTunes is also available there.According the representatives, BBB should be accessible for most major carriers during summer 2008.

related story:

by Milota Sidorova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Chris Cantell Discusses Chris Cantell: BlackBerry Bold Magic!
by Milota Sidorova

Jeho nedávno zverejenenú skúšobnú verziu kritika označila slovami 'elegantne dramatický jedinec' z radu tzv. 'šikovných telefónov' alebo aj smartphones. Nový BlackBerry Bold 9000 (neskôr BBB) predstavuje kompletný balík telefonických, pracovných a osobných služieb a aplikácií, jednoduchospája 'biznis so zábavou', čo ho v kombinácii s živým, extrémne plochým dizajnom, robí jedným z hlavných favoritov pre univerzálne komunikačné zariadenie vo svete spoločenských sietí Chrisa Cantella.Podobne ako jeho konkurenti (applovký iPhone alebo posledný HTC Touch Diamond), tento nový člen BlackBerriovskej rodiny plne podporuje 3G sieť 'novej generácie', ktorá v jazyku užívateľov znamená extra rýchle pripojenie, sťahovanie, video prenos a komfortné webovské prehliadanie.V spolupráci so základným 624 MHz procesorom sa pohyb vo virtuálnom priestore stáva nečakane plynulý a pohodlný. BBB navyše ponúka 128 MB dočasnú a až 1GB trvalú pamäť, ktorá môže byť rozšírená vďaka inštalovanej čítačke SD/SDHC kariet. Zabudovaný USB 2.0 vstup zabezpečuje rýchly a efektívny prenos dát.Niet pochýb, že operátori a prevádzkovatelia sietí sa čoraz viac sústredia na nové, ešte viac univerzálne dostupné komunikačné zariadenia. BBB je hodenou rukavicou. A to napríklad tým, že sa mu ako prvému podarilo prekonať dlhodobú tzv. 'užívateľskú stigmu', teda nemožnosť prístupu k aplikáciám za súčasne prebiehajúceho telefónu. S novým BBB je to možné.Nový smartphone je nepochybne hodný svojich superlatív. Jeho kompatibilita s užívateľským balíkom Microsoft Office dovoľuje nielen prenos, náhľad ale dokonca editovanie známych wordovských, excelovskýh a powerpointovských súborov. Inštalovaný 'Black Berry Enterprise server' zabezpečuje takmer antivírovú ochranu a IT administráciu.BBB podporuje niekoľko emailovských prostredí a jeho majitelia si s ním môžu vytvoriť až 10 rôznych pracovných, či osobných kont.Jedným z hlavných prekvapení BBB je jeho nový displej. Široká polovične VGA (rozlíšenie 480x320) LCD obrazovka umožňuje pozoruhodnú takmer video hráčsku grafiku. Stránky si užívatelia budú môcť prezerať v dvoch režimoch a to – na celej obrazovke (full screen) alebo ako mobilovú verziu, s možnosťou zoomovania. Trackball preberá všetky funkcie počítačovej myši.Okrem užitočných pracovných aplikácií a nastavení si s BBB užijete veľkú dávku zábavy. 2 mega pixlová kamera s päťnásobným digitálnym zoomom zabezpečuje dostatočne kvalitné fotografovanie a nahrávanie. Aplikácie 'tretej strany' umožňujú bezproblémovú manipuláciu s väčšinou audio, video a obrázkových formátov vrámci komunít spoločenských sietí. BBB nastupuje na cestu plnej podpory rôznych užívateľských prostredí (viď IBM, Lotus, Domino, Microsoft, Novel Group Exchange Wire). Takisto pre tých, čo podľahli kúzlu iTunes má BBB dobrú správu.Inštalácia iTunes na novom BBB prebieha bez väčších komplikácií.Podľa pondelkových vyjadrení zástupcov BlackBerry produkujúcej firmy RIM, nové vydanie BBB by sa malo na trhu objaviť najneskôr začiatkom tohto leta.

related story:

by Milota Sidorova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Here we go! Jango Free Online Personalized Music Radio Station!
by Milota Sidorova

Since the internet boom turned down the major leadership of several media on world's market in the early 90's, we face completely different media and networking strategy technologies. Besides the fact, that almost every press has its own online division, TVs and radios did the same. Chris Cantell, a provider and co-owner of successful international SigEx company, is researching Jango in order to integrate it into the ongoing business activities of his own. Smart enough, if he wanted to reach the overwhelming group of internet community subscribers, he could easily do so. Along with these media channels, 'social networking' phenomena has launched the world of internet during late 90's. I will try to abandon all the advantages of pesonalized user profiles and buddy lists, allowing users to share unlimited capacity of music, video and image files. No doubts, that the social network providers are extending their services, adding some media plugins into the basic platform. Logging on its own profile, Chris Cantell's platform called Pathfinder is suddenly able to connect to eligible tv or radio station, watching and listening the channels and provide all the features that other social networks have. However, there is a huge group of those who let's say, do not wallow numerous profiles, required with every interesting site. And yet, even more numerous group exist of those, who like to listen to the music by their own, personal taste. Something different, if compared with basic radio station idea, where Dj's decide what people will listen. Anyway, whether someone belongs to social networking lovers or not, Jango radio will surely satisfy them. From the wide range of free online internet radios that Chris Cantell was looking into – Jango provides the best and surely the easiest access music and music videos he wanted – without downloading, even additional logging in. Clients are no longer subscribers. No additional registration is required from them. Whether logged or not, using Cantell's Jango plug in, users can create personalized music playlists. It is enough just to enter the name of the artist or the name of the song and the music starts to play. Different from the alike one radios, Jango allows editing playlists during the play even after. Generally known descritption that Jango = Radio + Facebook points into the social networking part of Jango's services. Being a member, clients using Chris Cantell's platform can more than easily share playlists, personal information, comments and images with the others. And the last advantage of Jango – Unlike iTunes, Jango doesn't need any special software instalation, so it is accessible from every computer. With Jango, listening to the music has never been that easy.

related story:

by Milota Sidorova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

Chris Cantell Discusses Chris Cantell: Chacha
by Radka Konkolova

Nowadays, when there is a great usage of the Internet and providers and browsers services, the new mobile answer service comes to the market. It is quite interesting thing, because of no need the computer and Internet connection. Everyone, even Chris Cantell can use it when is on the go.
I think this service has got many advantages and is really revolutionary matter. According to my opinion the main eligibility of using this, is that you receive the straight answers and you don't have to browse again in order to get the right information as when using web browsers is possible and often. And what is the reason why it is so easy? It is because there are approximately 75 Chacha guides, who are willing to provide their knowledge to another people. So client, Chris Cantell receives only information he needs and wants and not the useless ones. He can also specify his claim closer to the guide to get worth answers. I think this could be very helpful for such busy people as Chris Cantell is.
The usage of this service is very easy and available to everyone who know how to use a cell phone. Chris Cantell just must put the key words down by text message or by voice call to the Chacha center, where there are the guides prepared to share their knowledge about client's problem and within a few minutes he receives a text message, which is including the answer of the question he asked a while ago.
Another advantage is that almost everyone could be a Chacha guide. It depends on the his or her knowledge and willingness to do such job. So when Chris Cantell wasn't as busy or he lost his recent job, he could be a guide as well. The only restriction is to be an American citizen. The guides also have to go through ChaCha’s Search University and simulation process to become certified as a live ChaCha Guide.
I think this service is really a brilliant idea which works thanks to the technologies and the right people as well. Besides it is truly helpful for busy people or to the people who don't know how to browse the Internet or just to the people who are too lazy to search the information, it could be a kind of fun to these people too.

related story:

by Radka Konkolova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

Jango spotted
by Claudia Sonea

If music is a crime, people worldwide should be locked away and throw away the key, because it is a drug that has no cure. Music was born together with man and it grew up in the same time. Nowadays, in the Internet society, music had to adapt therefore sites with music pop up every web-step. It's easy to find sites with music to download (for free or a fee), radio sites and others. Anyway, my recommendation would be Jango, a combination of social networking and your own online radio station. Most of you have accounts on Facebook or Hi5 or MySpace and know how it is with social networks sites and the music they offer. What's the difference? can create your own radio station playing the music you want and the artists you chose. It is free to us and offers easy access to music and videos, not to mention that it has a slick interface. Unlike the other sites mentioned, Jango offers the possibility to tune into other people's stations and see also who has tuned yours, who has the same music tastes (music is the food of love, so who knows what might spark from this). It has so many qualities and it develops at such a pace that it already got the attention of Christopher M. Cantell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SigEx Telecom-a global telecom carrier providing users with the cheapest calls to their friends and colleagues around the world. In order to find out how it can use Jango in perfect harmony to his business, Chris Cantell opened an account making it easier to share unlimited capacity of music, video and image files. He also has the possibility to check the competition or useful features. Chris Cantell might become one of Jango's partners like Hearst Magazines with whom it develops co-branded online music widgets or, the website of best-selling monthly teen magazine in US. In a era dominated by the Internet and fast paced businesses nothing comes as a surprise. If you don't go away, chances are for you to find out how Chris Cantell's digital stream broadcasting network coped with Jango.

related story:

by Claudia Sonea
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

Chris Cantell Discusses Chris Cantell: Jango – bezplatné osobné internetové hudobné rádio!
by Milota Sidorova

Odkedy tradičné média ledva ustáli ohromný internetový boom na trhu, museli sa ako užívatelia, tak majitelia mediálnych kolosov rýchlo prispôsobiť novej situácii. Novej, lacnej, bezkonkurenčne dostupnej informačnej technológií internetovej siete, ktorá, ako už všetci priznali, celkom dobyla svet. Tlač ale aj televízne a rádiové stanice na otras deväťdesiatych rokov reagovali vytvorením svojich internetových, online sekcií, čo sa im zčasti aj vyplatilo. Internetová skupina už dávno stratila záujem o televíziu a rádio, a ako sa vraví, keďže sa hora k Mohamedovi nepohla, pohol sa prorok k hore. Popri týchto mediálnych transformáciách nám koniec deväťdesiatych rokov priniesol ďalší fenomén takzvaných 'spoločenských sietí'. MySpace, FaceBook a iné portály založené na zdieľaní takmer neobmedzeného množstva rôznych súborov prežili a prežívajú časy svojho vrcholu. V snahe rozšíriť svoju ponuku a osloviť skupinu, ktorá chat fóram a iným spoločenským vymoženostiam práve neholduje, začali mnohí prevádzkovatelia do svojich technológií zavádzať aj priamy prístup k televíznym alebo rádiovým staniciam.A začali podporovať rádiové stanice, ktoré umožňujú vlastný výber hudobných trackov. Dosť revolučná myšlienka, pokiaľ ju porovnáme s klasickým konceptom, kde je hudobný výber odkázaný na chuť moderátora alebo DJ Pokiaľ však patríte k milovníkom spoločenských sietí, alebo naopak k tým, ktorí virtuálne priestory veľmi nemusia, nové internetové rádio Jango Vás istotne uspokojí. Z celého spektra internetových rádií, Jango ponúka bezplatný, extrémne jednoduchý výber hudobných interpretov, piesní či hudobných videí. A to aj vtedy, pokiaľ ste nezaregistrovaným užívateľom. Po vstupe na hlavnú stránku do uvedeného okna napíšete meno interpreta, alebo jeho skladby a okamžite môžete začať počúvať. Bez žiadneho znervózňujúceho postupného sťahovania.Na rozdiel od iných online rádií, užívateľ Janga môže svoj playlist ľubovoľne meniť počas hrania alebo po skončení. Všeobecné ľudové prirovnanie Janga k rádiu s Facebookom odkazuje priamo na jeho služby spoločenských sietí. Ako registrovaný užívateľ môžete svoje súbory, playlisty využívať a zdieľať presne tak isto ako v akejkoľvek inej sieti.Nepochybnou výhodou Janga je jeho jednoduchosť a dosiahnuteľnosť. V porovnaní s Appleovským iTunes, nepotrebuje žiadne inštalačný software, takže ho možno spustiť z akéhokoľvek počítača. Stačí byť pripojený na internet.

related story:

by Milota Sidorova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

Chris Cantell Discusses Chris Cantell: ChaCha
by Radka Konkolova

V dnešnej dobe, keď sa vo veľkom využíva internet a jeho vyhľadávacie služby, prichádza na trh nová služba z oblasti vyhľadávania informácií. Je to celkom zaujímavá vec, pretože k tomu nepotrebujete počítač ani pripojenie k internetu. Každý, aj Chris Cantell môže využívať túto službu, keď je v pohybe.
Myslím, že táto služba má veľa výhod a je to skutočne revolučná záležitosť. Podľa môjho názoru, hlavnou prednosťou využívania tejto služby je prijímanie priamych správ bez ďalšieho prehľadávania, ako je možné a časté pri používaní internetových vyhľadávačov. A čo je dôvodom, že je to také jednoduché? Je to vďaka takmer 75 Chacha sprievodcom, ktorí sú ochotní predávať svoje vedomosti druhým ľuďom. Takže klient, Chris Cantell, prijíma iba informácie, ktoré chce a potrebuje a nie tie, ktoré su pre neho nepotrebné. Tiež môže sprievodcovi bližšie špecifikovať svoju požiadavku, aby sa dostal len k tým hodnotným odpovediam. Myslím, že to môže byť veľmi nápomocné pre takých zaneprázdnených ľudí, ako je Chris Cantell .
Používanie tejto služby je veľmi jednoduché a prístupné každému, kto vie ovládať mobilný telefón. Chris Cantell iba musí zadať kľúčové slová textovou správou alebo telefonátom do Chacha centra, kde sú sprievodcovia pripravení zdieľať vedomosti o klientovom probléme a on v priebehu pár minút obdrží SMS správu, ktorá obsahuje odpoveď na otázku, ktorú zadal pred chvíľou.
Ďalšou výhodou je, že takmer každý sa môže stať Chacha sprievodcom. Záleží to od vedomostí, ktoré daná osoba má a od ochoty robiť túto prácu. Takže keby Chris Cantell nebol taký zaneprázdnený alebo by stratil svoju súčasnú prácu, aj on by mohol byť sprievodcom. Jediné obmedzenie v tomto smere je, aby bol občanom Ameriky. Sprievodcovia tiež musia prejsť Chacha's Search University a procesom simulácie, aby získali certifikát “živého Chacha sprievodcu”.
Myslím si, že táto služba je skutočne skvelý nápad, ktorý pracuje vďaka technológiám a tiež správnym ľuďom. Okrem toho, že je naozaj veľmi nápomocná zaneprázdneným ľuďom, alebo takým, ktorí nevedia až tak dobre používať internetové vyhľadávacie služby, ale aj tým, ktorí sú príliš leniví, aby si sami informácie vyhľadávali, môže to byť pre ľudí tiež zábava.

related story:

by Radka Konkolova
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

Chris Cantell Discusses Chris Cantell: Jango in vizor
by Claudia Sonea

Daca muzica e o crima inchideti oamenii de pretutindeni si aruncati cheia, caci e un drog fara leac. S-a nascut odata cu omul si a evoluat in acelasi timp. Astazi, in societatea Internetului, muzica trebuie sa se adapteze astfel ca siteurile cu muzica apar la tot pasul. Este usor de gasit siteuri cu muzica gratis sau pagini ale radiourilor, etc. Eu va recomand insa Jango, o combinatie de retea sociala si staie raio personala. Cei mai multi dintre voi aveti conturi pe Facebook, Hi5 sau MySpace si stiti cum sta treaba cu retelele sociale si muzica ce o ofera. Care e diferenta? Croirea!poti sa-ti faci statia radio personala cu muzica si artistii preferati. Este gratuity si ofera acces usor la muzica si clipuri, fara a mentiona interfata sa smecheroasa. Spre deosebire de celalalte site-uri mentionate, Jango ofera posibilitatea sa mixezi statiile celorlalti sau sa vezi cine intervine in ale tale, cine are aceleasi gusturi musicale (muzica e hrana dragostei, cine stie ce poate sa se aprinda). Are atatea calitati ca a si captat atentia lui Christopher M. Cantell, director executive al SigEx Telecom-un furnizor de televiziune online la scara mondiala. Pentru a gasi cum poate sa foloseasca Jango in armonie perfecta cu afacerile sale, Chris Cantell si-a deschis un cont pentru o mai buna impartasire de muzica, clipuri si imagini. Are de asemenea oportunitatea de a-si analiza rivalii si potentiale trasaturi. Chris Cantell ar putea deveni unul din partenerii lui Jango precum Hearst Magazines cu care creeaza aplicatii cu muzica online sau, site-ul celei mai bine vandute reviste de adolescenti din SUA. Intr-o era dominate de internet si afaceri cu dezvoltare rapida nimic nu vine ca o surpriza. Daca mai stati, cresc sansele sa auziti cum integreaza Jango Chris Cantell in reteaua de transmisiune online.

related story:

by Claudia Sonea
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

Joost appealing
by Claudia Sonea

No matter what comScore Inc says, online televisions still seems appealing. No later than yesterday I went bunkers trying to find the online broadcast of a channel. Youtube seems to remain the leader of online video broadcasting, but its future is rather shaky as people are turning to other sites like backed by News Corp and NBC Universal or Joost, supported by CBS and Viacom. As Christopher M. Cantell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SigEx Telecom (offers free TV and video services, free unlimited global calls and video conferencing through its multi networks) showed interest in Joost, we will also take a look to see what got his attention. Maybe Cantell thinks the peer-to-peer technology used to provide high-quality video might be useful in its own TV broadcast. Both his services and Joost are free to use, but the difference is that the latter one has no Web interface and lays stress on traditional television. On the other hand Chris Cantell might sniff at Joost because on April announced planning to restrain access to US only which was the solely advantage it had against Hulu. Not to mention that it still has no feature allowing users’ generated content. Packed with instant messaging and channel chat, Joost is still in the competition for the leadership of digital television and opposes Cantell’s services, thus getting his attention, especially after the blessed contract it signed with Entertainment Rights who reinforced its availability on the market. The new contract that involves also Youtube gives to the leading digital platform a whole new advantage and a boost too. Is this the reason of interest?

related story:

by Claudia Sonea
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

Did you hear our Jango Radio?
by Beata Novomeska

Dear listeners! Did you hear our Jango Radio? Not yet? So, I would like to invite you to our music radio and tell you something about it. O.K. Let´s start. Jango Radio is Free Online Personalized Station. It comes out from needs of many people. As people use Internet from early 90´s, it offers the possibility to listen to the different kind of music. And everything for free! It suffices to tune on our Jango Radio and listens to anything what you want and like. You can choose from pop, rock, country, jazz, R&B, Hip-Hop or World Music. Our radio was established to offer fine music, delight and entertain you. It was created by our company, Chris Cantell, because we keep track the market with media. It was researched that Internet became very popular and turned down another media as press, television and radio. So we would like to offer you the Internet Radio as the interest for this type of radio is remarkable. You can listen to much music and kind of music which you like, you can watch interesting and amusing musical videos, according to your choice and look beautiful and inspiring pictures which shelter in image files. If you are curious where you can find all these things, go to url: There you will listen to it! And make choice according to yourself! I believe you will be satisfied. Our advantage is that if you are logged or not you can easily share the music, videos and images. So Jango Radio is for everyone. There is no difference. Whether you are young or old, whether you like country or hip hop. We will be delightful if you join to our site and savor the experience from excellent music for you. If you become a member, it will be easier for you to share personal information, comments and images with the others. And we will be delightful, too because it will be matter that you are satisfied. So! Jango Radio is here for you! Try it! I believe that our Free Online Personalized Music Radio will be one part of your life which you like very much.

related story:

by Beata Novomeska
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

Chris Cantell Discusses Chris Cantell: Joost atragator
by Claudia Sonea

Indiferent de ce spune comScore Inc, televiziunea online televisions este inca atragatoare. Chiar ieri imi dadeam de ceasul mortii cautand difuzarea online a unui canal TV. Youtube pare sa ramana liderul difuzarii de material video pe Internet, dar viitorul sau e nesigur datorita oameniilor ce se intorc catre siteuri precum sprijinit de News Corp si NBC Universal sau Joost, sprijinit de CBS and Viacom. De vreme ce Christopher M. Cantell, directorul executiv al SigEx Telecom (ofera TV gratis si servicii video, telefonie la scara mondiala gratuita si conferinte video prin intermediul retelelor sale multiple) a aratat interes pentru Joost, vom arunca si noi o privire sa vedem ce i-a captat atentia. Poate Cantell crede ca tehnologia peer-to-peer folosita sa furnizeze video de calitate ar putea fi folositoate pentru propria retea de televiziune. Atat reteaua sa cat si Joost sunt grauts, dar diferenta consta in faptul ca cel din urma nu are o interfata web si pune accentul pe televiziunea traditionala. Pe de alta parte Chris Cantell ar putea fi indepartat de faptul ca din aprilie Joost a anuntat ca vrea sa restranga accesul doar la locuitorii din SUA care constituia singurul avantaj pana acum in fata lui Hulu. Nici nu mai e de mentionat ca nu ofera nici posibilitatea de a gazdui material personal al uitilizatorilor. Are totusi instant messaging si channel chat, Joost fiind asadar inca in cursa pentru hegemonia televiziunii digitale si opunandu-se astfel lui Cantell, mai ales dupa contractul semnat cu Entertainment Rights. Sa fie acesta motivul?

related story:

by Claudia Sonea
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

Chris Cantell Discusses Chris Cantell: Počuli ste naše Jango Radio?
by Beata Novomeska

Milí poslucháči! Počuli ste naše Jango Radio? Ešte nie? Tak by som vás rád privítal v našom hudobnom rádiu a niečo vám o ňom povedal. V poriadku. Začnime. Jango Radio je bezplatná online osobná stanica. Vychádza z potrieb mnohích ľudí. Keďže ľudia používajú internet od začiatku 90-tych rokov, ponúka možnosť počúvať rozličné druhy hudby. A všetko bezplatne! Stačí sa naladiť na naše Jango Radio a počúvať čokoľvek, čo chcete a máte radi. Môžete si vybrať z popu, rocku, country, džezu, R&B, hip-hopu alebo svetovej hudby. Naše rádio sme založili, aby ponúkalo dobrú hudbu, potešilo a zabavilo vás. Bolo vytvorené našou spoločnosťou, Chris Cantell, pretože sledujeme trh s médiami. Bolo preskúmané, že internet sa stal veľmi obľúbený a znížil sledovanosť iných médií ako tlač, televízia a rádio. Takže my by sme vám radi ponúkli internetové rádio, keďže záujem o tento typ rádia je značný. Môžete počúvať veľa hudby a hudbu, ktorú máte radi, môžete sledovať zaujímavé a zábavné hudobné videá podľa vlastného výberu a pozerať si krásne a inšpirujúce obrázky, ktoré sa ukrývajú v obrázkových súboroch. Ak ste zvedaví, kde môžete nájsť všetky tieto veci, choďte na internetovú stránku Tam si to môžete vypočuť! A rozhodnite sa podľa seba! Verím, že budete spokojní! Naša výhoda je, že či ste nalogovaní alebo nie môžete ľahko zdieľať hudbu, videá a obrázky. Takže Jango Radio je pre každého. Nie je tu žiadny rozdiel. Či ste mladí alebo starí, či máte radi country alebo hip hop. Budeme potešení, ak sa pripojíte na našu stránku a vychutnáte si zážitok zo skvelej hudby pre vás. Ak sa stanete členom, bude pre vás ľahšie zdieľať osobné informácie, komentáre a obrázky s ostatnými. A nás to bude tiež tešiť, pretože to bude znamenať, že ste spokojní. Takže! Jango Radio je tu pre vás! Vyskúšajte ho! Verím, že naše bezplatné online osobné hudobné rádio bude súčasťou života, ktorú máte veľmi radi.

related story:

by Beata Novomeska
for Chris Cantell (

Christopher M. Cantell is an American entrepreneur best known for his work in supercomputers in the 80s, his public relations and advertising businesses and most recently his technology and investment ventures in the telecommunications industry.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Chris Cantell's letter to SigEx Ventures' Shareholders

Dear Shareholders,

By all means, 2007 has proven to be the year of social networks and the urge for millions of people around the world to connect and interact based on common professional needs or individual hobbies or interests. Yet, as much as these social networks have proven to be tremendous successes, they are still only the beginning of what the social, broadcasting and telecom industry are to offer in a new world where our communications and content become seamlessly available anywhere with the ease of use that justifies using them on a daily basis.

For SigEx Telecom, the year has been widely successful as well. Our continued financial growth has allowed us to set new records in our valuation. Thanks to our deployment in major Eastern European cities we have leveraged a strong international community of talents to support our networks, our clients’ activities and expand international business. Our cellphone telecom platform is transforming the biggest computing base in the coming decades to support valuable products and services with ease of use and access everywhere.

We now expect a year of continued expansion with the blooming of our many market segments and the promotion of our clients’ successes. We look forward to discussing this letter with you.  Please enjoy the reading!

Best Regards,

Chris Cantell
Chairman and CEO

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chris Cantell discusses Telecom and Content for Social Networks

Chris Cantell has developed the idea that Social Networks are not successful just by themselves, but they require drivers to justify and grow the user base. Telecom and Content are the two dimensions that Social Networks require to become universal as Chris Cantell presents in this post. The following is an excerpt of the company's review for 2007:

"As the success of online social networks is undisputed, most people still wonder the merits of merely following people’s activities during the day or are limited in their ability to do “real” significant things with their network. While professional social networks such as LinkedIn build on the idea of growing a Rolodex through existing relationships, the lack of real live connection or other appropriate means of communications becomes rapidly frustrating.

SigEx Telecom adds the two dimensions to online social networks. As a global telecom carrier, users are always provided with the cheapest calls to their friends and colleagues around the world. Seamless integration also allows calling or sending video messages or participating in a video meeting directly from the business or entertainment application they are using. As you are reading an article and viewing a video selected by the author, you may want to enter a live chat room to express your ideas and thoughts about the article with other readers and the author. Telecommunications bring the connections that enable online communities to actually interact, which is the basic purpose of social networks. SigEx Telecom adds the “telecom” in social telecom networks!

However, the real driver behind social telecom networks resides in a third dimension: e-content. Our smartphones, computers and digital cameras or camcorders are full of gigabytes of videos, pictures, emails, presentations and other documents that for the most part we want to make available to others, be it a close group or the entire world. SigEx Telecom defines the concept of e-content, which is available on the network all the time, protected from loss, accessible from anywhere in the world and on any device and can be “pined” to other people for instant access. You can browse the e-content on your social network either by searching on a subject (does anyone have the pictures for last year’s family reunion?) or by looking up e-content of your acquaintances (Let’s review Bob’s presentation on our fiscal results). Your digital e-content also includes music and movies that you have purchased and that you want to view anywhere in the world, either on your cellphone in the train or at your friends’ house. The same way you lend a new DVD to your brother, you can lend him a Pin to your movie e-content and let him watch it without making it available to the whole world.

Because people interact on content and communications, the telecom and e-content services delivered by SigEx Telecom drives more traffic to our advanced social telecom networks.

Telecom is the natural and necessary complement to existing social networks, both filling a clear gap between being connected and interacting and bringing together various means of communicating ranging from advanced SMS and cheap international phone calls to high definition video rooms."

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies

Monday, March 10, 2008

Chris Cantell discusses the "meet" or "delete" strategy

Chris Cantell developed with SigEx Telecom an advanced usability strategy for Social Networks. By allowing the "meet" or "delete" strategy, users naturally expand and refine their networks. The following is an excerpt of the company's review for 2007:

"The natural growth of social networks is currently driven by the personal will of individuals to join many different communities with different interfaces and requirements. As early adopters quickly take on such initiatives, there are still billions of people that feel left out of such opportunities. Social networks are meant to be places to simply connect to others with shared interest (or just for socializing), they are not meant to be a technological challenge.

SigEx Telecom builds in its online social networks the same interactions that people experience when going to trade shows, parties or just walking down the street. They meet other people, decide to interact and maybe create a relationship. They may also decide not to go beyond a simple greeting and sometimes, they just pass by. Being “flooded” with “contacts” is not an appropriate way of building a network, but meeting acquaintances of existing members of your social network may be. SigEx Telecom therefore provides a ‘meet or delete’ approach to both growing (‘meet’) and refining (‘delete’) your social telecom network. The more you ‘meet’ someone, the more importance that relationship is and the network will make it easily available.

SigEx Telecom is supporting the ongoing growth of social telecom networks with its ‘meet or delete’ strategy, which allows for both natural expansion of one’s social network (‘meet’) and refinement by filtering or prioritizing relationships (‘delete’)."

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chris Cantell discusses Social Networks

Chris Cantell co-founded SigEx Telecom, delivering multi-transport, multi-protocol telecommunications and digital entertainment around the world. In his previous works, Chris Cantell developed supercomputer architectures that are being implemented as part of SigEx Telecom's new operating system. The following is an excerpt of the company's review for 2007.

"Increasingly, end users expect a seamless access to social networks linked to telecom, user applications and entertainment services – whether it’s email, telephony, gaming or TV – across a variety of networks and access points. Our vision is about providing an operating platform, SigEx’s OS V called “PathFinder”, with the wireless cell platforms and technologies that deliver this uninterrupted, high value and easy-to-use service over DSL, fiber, 3G, radio, cable, or Wi-Fi.

By providing a single platform for both users and developers, “PathFinder” unifies all social and business telecom network applications independently of underlying hardware devices or telecom and Internet providers. Applications are loaded under the “PathFinder” dial architecture and dynamically available to users. Developers enhance their own applications with SigEx Telecom programming libraries providing unified services ranging from VoIP calls, enhanced SMS messaging and video-conferencing to access to network e-content for users and communities on a global basis.

Our “PathFinder” platform is the common base for all social telecom network applications, unifying the interfaces to people, communications and e-content. Developers will leverage existing network technologies and resources while users will be able to build their ideal custom personal social telecom network."

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Chris Cantell discusses the SuperPBX architecture

Frédéric Artru and Chris Cantell, founders of SigEx Telecom present the companies architecture and technology model. The following is an excerpt of the company's review for 2007.

"Last year, we were presenting the tremendous power of the SuperPBX architecture, a super-computer for telecommunications capable of ultra-rapid parallel communications between a wide range of applications and networks. The impact of such an architecture has led to the validation of our theory of business (Cantell’s Law): tv ≈ 0, the value of time approaches zero. We showed how this law leads inevitably to a constant decrease of the value of products and services that are continuously enhanced for the benefit of the user’s experience. The following figure illustrates that law.

SigEx Telecom now brings the power of Cantell’s Law into the palm of your hand with a consistent interface delivering your most important applications, independently of the network resources they use or the device you wish to access them on. The “dial” approach illustrated by the following figure shows accessibility of a wide range of applications (usually confined to specific devices) accessible directly at your fingertips, such as digital entertainment, movies, music, personal photos and slideshows, news articles with TV reports, email, phone calls and SMS, or even your favorite social network sites such as FaceBook which you can access without leaving your LivingSpace on your cellphone or at an Internet cafe."

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Résultats 2007: Croissance de Valorisation de la Société

Valorisation de €347M: Soutenue par la Croissance des Réseaux Sociaux

PARIS, FRANCE – 18 Janvier, 2008 – SigEx SuperPBX, SAS (ISIN: FR0004192540), innovateur des communications globales qui offre la diffusion de contenus numériques pour les réseaux sociaux d’avant garde, annonce aujourd'hui les résultats de la société pour l'année fiscale 2007.

SigEx SuperPBX combine de nouveaux services révolutionnaires de diffusions par les grands acteurs de l’industrie média avec des fonctionnalités télécom comme les espaces communs vidéos, la vidéo-conférence, les services téléphoniques intégrés, les communications SMS. L’utilisateur a ainsi accès aux réseaux sociaux de l’ensemble de nos partenaires.

« Le dernier trimestre a été actif pour les sociétés de divertissements sociaux », déclare Frédéric Artru, Directeur Général de Sigex SuperPBX. « Notre concentration sur une stratégie ‘rencontrer ou écarter’ continue d’alimenter notre réseau, » déclare Chris Cantell, Président Directeur Général. « Nous sommes particulièrement satisfaits de constater à quel point le divertissement apporte une expérience utilisateur optimale. »

Résultats Financiers

La valorisation totale de SigEx SuperPBX atteint €347 millions pour l'année fiscale 2007, soit une croissance de 118% par rapport à 2006. Le quatrième trimestre a contribué à 19% de la valorisation en 2007. La valorisation est calculée sur la base de la totalité du réseau.
Données Financières Marquantes

Valeur de l'Action – Le prix d'action de SigEx SuperPBX à la fin de l'année fiscale 2007 était de €30,80, soit une augmentation de 117% par rapport au prix de €14,20 fin 2006 et de 440% par rapport au prix de €5,66 fin 2005.

Croissance de la Valorisation – La valorisation pour l'année fiscale 2007 a augmenté d'un montant record de €188 millions, soit 96% de plus que les €96 millions générés en 2006, et 652% de plus que les €25 millions générés en 2005. Au dernier trimestre fiscal 2006, la société a généré €98 millions, soit 27% de plus que pour 2006 avec €77 millions. Cette croissance est poussée par une expansion des réseaux sociaux partenaires.

A Propos de SigEx SuperPBX

SigEx SuperPBX, sous la marque de SigEx Telecom, s’établit rapidement en leader de la diffusion de contenus numériques et de fournisseur de solutions pratiques et innovantes pour les réseaux sociaux télécoms. L’offre permet de parler, voir, télécharger et partager des vidéos clips sur TV en-ligne, des sites web, des blogs, des vidéo-mails et des communications SMS avancées de téléphones portables vers Internet. SigEx Telecom permet les communications voix et vidéo multi-utilisateurs illimitées et ses services sont utilisés à travers le monde.

Ces informations vous sont offertes par CantellTV, son partenaire technologique SigEx Telecom et leurs fondateur Chris Cantell. Cantell TV connaît la plus forte croissance dans les services de diffusion numérique et télécom qui permettent de facilement contrôler, visionner, télécharger et partager des contenus numériques grâce à une interface utilisateur propriétaire associée à des communications gratuites. Cantell TV s’engage à vous donner une infinité de possibilités de divertissement, toutes accessibles du bout des doigts ! Chris Cantell maintient des contrats de consultant avec plusieurs sociétés pre-IPO.